My Name is Melissa and I live in beautiful Nauvoo, IL. This is a blog to record my journey on raw food. I will share with you my first 30 days on raw food, some of my favorite recipes, and some very helpful websites. I am sharing because so many people have asked. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at

My Favorite Raw Salad Dressing
Garlic, Ginger Dressing
1 1/2 c. Cold Pressed Olive Oil
1/3 c. Garlic Bulbs
2 Tbs. Ginger (about a 1-2 in. section depending on thickness)
3 Tbs. Nama Shoyu
1/2 c. Fresh squezed lemon juice

Blend all ingredients in a Vita-Mix or high power blender until smooth. This dressing is VERY yummy!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 1 June 29, 2008

This log will become a log or record of my next 30 days or more. I hav felt the strong impression to go 100% RAW with my diet. I've known for a while that this would be the healthiest route for me; I just haven't had the will power or knowledge to do so. I feel very srongly about this. I am also very excited. I have also felt the impression to record my changes I both see & feel. I know this diet/lifestyle will change my life for the better, and I look forward to seeing what those changes are.
I did pretty good today. All of my meals were raw with the exception of a few bites I took of left over b-day cake & ice cream (I turned 34 yesterday). I also had some popcorn tonight. I may or may not give up popcorn 100%. If I don't give it up, I will eat it very sparingly. I ordered some Agave and some Raw Raspberry & Chocolate bars. I will need to order some raw almonds soon. I am so grateful to have support of my sweet hubby. Sister Brown has given me some great web sites to order some of my things (f00d) from.

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